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What is a RIB and how do you get yours?
What is a RIB and how do you get yours?
Updated this week

At Coloc Housing, we want to make renting with us as easy as possible. We know that our French residents often have questions about the RIB (Relevé d'Identité Bancaire) requirement. We understand that managing your finances should be straightforward and transparent. That's why we're here to clarify any confusion you may have about this common query.

What exactly is a RIB?

It's a document that confirms the owner of a bank account. RIBs are commonly used in France and other French-speaking countries to facilitate various financial transactions, such as setting up direct deposits, authorizing withdrawals, or providing banking information for employers or other entities requiring payment. They serve as a standardized way to convey banking details accurately and securely. This is essential for smooth transactions, especially when it comes to paying rent.

How to get your RIB ?

To easily obtain a RIB, there are several options available to you:

1. Request from your bank: The most convenient way is to simply request it from your bank. You can do this by visiting a branch, using online banking, or contacting their friendly customer service team.

2. Online Banking: Many banks offer the option to download or print your RIB directly from their online banking portal. Simply log in to your account and look for the option to view or download your RIB.

3. Bank Statement: In some cases, your bank statement may serve as a valid RIB. Take a look and see if it includes all the necessary information. If so, you can use it as proof of your bank details.

4. Mobile Banking Apps: Some banks also have convenient mobile apps that allow you to generate or access your RIB directly from your smartphone. Check if your bank offers this option.

When making your request, please specify whether you need the RIB for personal or business purposes, as this may affect the format or additional information required on the document. Also, be prepared to provide some form of identification to authenticate your request.

Looking for the RIB of Coloc Housing ?

To make things even simpler, we have made our RIB easily accessible to all our tenants. Whether you prefer French, Dutch, or English, we have you covered. You can find our RIB attached to this article, eliminating any unnecessary hassle or confusion !

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